Targeted Training and Behaviors
- Foundation Behaviors (sit, down, stay, recall, manners- door dashing, polite greetings)
- Loose Leash Walking
- Confidence and Optimism
- Confidence- a dog that feels self-assurance
- Optimism- a dog that looks on the bright side for the best outcome: positivity
- Novelty and Flexibility
- Novelty- a dog seeing something strange or new as being good rather than bad
- Flexibility- a dog that readily adapts to a situation and changes the way he behaves or respond easily
- Relationship Building Blocks
- Relationship- a dog that is connected to you and enjoys interacting with you
- Focus- a dog that chooses to pay attention to you, wants to listen to you and can switch easily between you, the environment and back to you
- Proximity- your dog has a desire to remain close to you
- Play and Calmness
- Play- creates a positive emotional state (health benefits), prepares dogs for the unexpected and allows dogs to process information in the brain in a safe context and develops social bonds
- Calmness- a dog the ability to switch off after being excited and where calm behaviors are the default
- Impulse Control
- Disengagement- along with engagement is vital to a having a healthy dog. The ability not to engage with the environment. To be in the moment and not reacting to the moment.